Monday, December 17, 2007

What We Are All About!

We are a collective of concerned Internet citizens that want to influence the social networking industry to be the best it can be for the user at large, us, the new global us. We will issue a rating to social networks based on the Social Network Critic Rating System, an evolving industry standard representative of users of the web. It is a simple rating system that breaks down social networking sites into 10 different areas.

The 10 different areas are worth 10 pts. each:

1) User Friendliness
How easy the site is to learn and use?

2) Amount of Content
How much stuff they have to look at?

3) Amount of Users
How many users are on site?

4) Extra Features
How much extra stuff do they have to do?

5) General Mission of Site
Does the Company have a good mission?

6) User Involvement
How much do users affect Development/Management?

7) Company Loyalty
How much the company cares about it's users?

8) Social Responsibility
Does the company operate in the best interest of the community?

9) How Green the Company Operates
Does the company operate with the best interest of the environment in mind?

10) How Cool the site is
Can you see this being a cool site for whoever it's target user is?

Perfect Score = 100 pts.

Social Networks will receive reviews that are attached to a date. Sites can be reviewed multiple times to track how the company is progressing. The score for each category will be determined by an average of each of our judges opinion of each section. Please contact us if you would like to become a judge to help shape the future of social networking. The current list of judging categories is somewhat malleable according to the readers of this blogs input. This way our rating system stays current with the popular interests and cares of the time.

Our goal is NOT to ridicule sites just for hype...

Our goal is to shape the future of social networking for the better for the common good of all people. Please join us in this very important effort.

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