Friday, January 11, 2008

Digg | Myspace | Facebook : 3 Way Comparison

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Even though Digg is generally classified as a social bookmarking site we can see them growing into a fully functional social networking site, if they were to flesh out their anemic profile and put in a few more networking features. Digg has done a wonderful job focusing on it's core goal of making a streamlined and efficient link site, however, Digg users want more.

A few of the judges comments conveyed the fact that Digg participants take ownership and pride in the site in being strong contributors of content for Digg's community, but sounded almost ashamed that they had to venture over to Myspace or Facebook to complete their internet experience. Evolving to compete with the larger networks is a crucial development for Digg. If they continue development, Digg loyalists will push the network to gobble up a significant share of the social networking industry.

Full Digg Report read more


There is no doubt that Myspace lead the way in Social Networking and what is now called the "Web 2.0" revolution. Myspace adopted the early success and innovation of Friendster to become the biggest, most well known of all the social networks. They have pioneered the way we share and listen to music and have a very comprehensive system for their users to participate in. They have a wide variety of age ranges and backgrounds. Overall, the site is a monster and is pretty cool because of it's size and scope. Obviously there is still work to be done to bridge all the gaps that were mentioned above.

Full Myspace Report read more


Facebook is a cool site hands down but by no means the coolest. The navigation and user friendliness are a huge bonus for the site. Many users that aren't very internet savvy can navigate the pages of Facebook with ease. Very rarely have we heard complaints which is a great thing for them. They obviously put a lot of energy into the user experience. But now that the technology exists and the users are becoming accustomed to the interface, what happens next? Sure, Facebook has their great applications for users to piddle away time with. What else? Oh that's right, they can join the majority of others. So where does Facebook go from here?

Myspace is by far the coolest of the sites just because of their enormous presence on the internet and even though Facebook continues to expand its reach they are a long way from what we consider to be the coolest of the network sites. In order for them to jump in the standings they must start to do something meaningful with the site. Users will begin to wane in their desire to use social network systems...they want to feel as though they are really part of something different. This message does not only go to Facebook but to all the other social networking sites out there...get real...expand your imaginary walls and bring in the real. Care2 is doing it...maybe they have the right concept?

Full Facebook Report read more


Unknown said...

Dear Social Network Critics,

Great site and very thoughtful critiques of the social networks out there.

I'm a developer with the WeAre.Us Social SUPPORT Networking platform (similar to social network, but more focused on the community supporting each other than random banter), powering sites including and (uniting those with niche medical conditions and lifestyles).

Would love it if you would give our sites a critique so that we can continue to improve our user experience.

Also, we just posted Report Cards for the major social networks based on code quality and optimization - might be an interesting addendum to your analysis of user-focused aspects. You can see our post at

Sorry to post this as a comment, but unfortunately were not able to find any other means to contact you.

Feel free to email me at

Look forward to hearing from you and keep up the great work!

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